Located at "KVPAC"
2501 S Mason Rd # 290, Katy, TX 7745
Blue Cast:
Mowgli- Seth Cook
Baghera- Kiera Simpson
Baloo-Bella Cook
Sheer Kahn- Rowan Oakley
Shanti- Emma Piehler
Kaa- Hannah Read
Colonel Hathi- Journey Cook
Baby Elephant- Rayne Oakley
King Louie- Sophia Iller
*All remaining characters play the same roles for each cast.
Red Cast:
Mowgli- Sydney Rostant
Baghera- Sierra Rostant
Baloo-Sam Pearson
Sheer Kahn- Cooper Manz
Shanti- Lizzie Richardson
Kaa- Bethany Weider
Colenol Hathi- Wyatt Jones
Baby Elephant- Greyson Cockrell
King Louie- Lyla Bailey
*All remaining characters play the same roles for each cast.
Red Cast:
Mowgli- Sydney Rostant
Baghera- Sierra Rostant
Baloo-Sam Pearson
Sheer Kahn- Rowan Oakley
Shanti- Lizzie Richardson
Kaa- Bethany Weider
Colenol Hathi- Wyatt Jones
Baby Elephant- Greyson Cockrell
King Louie- Lyla Bailey
*All remaining characters play the same roles for each cast.
Blue Cast:
Mowgli- Seth Cook
Baghera- Kiera Simpson
Baloo-Bella Cook
Sheer Kahn- Cooper Manz
Shanti- Emma Piehler
Kaa- Hannah Read
Colonel Hathi- Journey Cook
Baby Elephant- Rayne Oakley
King Louie- Sophia Iller
*All remaining characters play the same roles for each cast.