Little Women- Blue Cast


Rehearsals: Saturdays 1:00-6:00 p.m.

Tech Rehearsals:

Oct. 9th 1:00-8:00pm

Oct. 15th 5:00-9:00pm

Oct. 16th 1:00-5:00pm

Oct. 23rd 9:30am-12:30pm

Oct. 27th 5:00-9:00pm

Show Dates:

(Scroll down to view who is in which cast)

Concord Cast:

Thursday, October 28th @ 7pm

Friday, October 29th @ 7pm

New York City Cast

Saturday, October 30th @ 2pm

Saturday, October 30th @ 7pm

In the event that we are unable to hold live performances due to evolving restrictions and protocol for Covid-19, we will be professionally recording each show. Copies of the recordings will be available to each student and streaming will take place in lieu of a live performances. Additional recording fees may apply).


10/27 rehearsal information:

4:00pm: All actors in ballroom scene, we need to go over costumes for that scene.

4:30pm: ALL CALLED. Please arrive in costume basics, hair and make-up done. Make-up minimal.

Beth: wear hair in double French braids/will have hair half up/half down in Act 2.

Young Amy; Ringlet pigtails


Jo: Hair half up/Half down

Aunt March, Marmee and Meg: Hair in low bun

All other girls wear hair either half up/half down or in one French braid.

5:00pm: Onstage

Regarding tomorrow (10/15) rehearsal:

4:15pm: We would like to call ALL ballroom scene performers. If you are NOT in this scene, please do not come until the 5pm call time.

If you are a GUY in the ball scene and have a suit you can wear, please bring with you. Send a Remind message to Sarah, with a message saying either you have a suit or you do not.

5:00-9:00pm: ALL CALLED Everyone must wear their basics, as we plan on doing a dress rehearsal.

October 14th:

Deadline for t-shirt and sweatshirt orders is TODAY!!! Don’t forget to order yours!

LW Tshirt.png
LW Sweatshirt.png

October 2nd NEW SCHEDULE

12:30 pm “Some Things Are Meant To Be” refresh….

1:00-3:00 pm ALL CALLED Block pages 90-115

3:00-6:00 pm Run Act 2 both casts.


Due to unforeseen circumstances we are amending the schedule for this Saturday 9/25

12:30 PM Jo & Marmee

1:30 PM Jo, Laurie, Adult Amy

2:00 PM Jo & Professor Bhaer

2:30 PM Professor Bhaer

3:00 All CALLED blocking the rest of ACT 2 Including “Somethings Are Meant To Be”


September 18th:

The performance tracks are now available. The instructions on how to access the tracks are linked to the button above, label “ Rehearsal Tracks Access”. Please read thoroughly. The instructions are pretty clear. The Rehearsal Track Code is:  LIT1657089. If you have any problems or questions, please send a Remind message.

Concord Cast:

Performs 10/28 7PM, 10/29 7PM 

Carolina Harris

Claire Carter

Dylan Loria

Kendall Miller

Katie Honeycutt

Kara Badrous

JD Bowen

Rowan Oakley

Breezy Bowen

New York City Cast:

Performs Saturday 10/30, 2 PM & 7 PM

Caylin McClellan

Shelby Bagg

Maya Walters

Makenna Stokes

Rylee Valva

Emma Cook

Rowan Kent

Henry Cordes

Aidan Warren

Little Women Rehearsal Schedule:

Things may change, but as of now, follow this schedule. If they do change, you will be notified by Remind. If you do not have remind, follow the above link to sign up. This will be the only means of communicating changes.


1:00 PM Refresh scenes pages 1-20

Marmee’s Music w/Dana

2:00 PM  “Could You” Blocking/Music

2:30 PM “Delighted” Music with Dana

2:30 PM blocking “Take A Chance on Me” with Estus

3:00 PM Music for “Take a Chance” and “How I Am” w/Dana

3:00 PM Blocking for “Delighted”

4:30 PM Blocking pages 27-43 Music “Off To Massachusetts”

END AT 6:00 PM


12:30-1:00 PM block pages 37-43 (CALLED: Marmee, Beth, Meg, Young Amy, Jo, Laurie, John Brook)

1:00-2:00 PM block pages 43-52 Blue cast (ALL CALLED)

1:00-2:00 PM Music “Five Forever” Red cast (Meg, young Amy, Beth, Jo. Laurie)

2:00-3:00 PM block pages 43-52 Red cast (ALL CALLED)

2:00-3:00 PM Music “Five Forever” Blue cast (Meg, young Amy, Beth, Jo. Laurie)

3:00-4:00 PM Blocking pages 53-59 Blue cast (Mr. Laurence, Marmee, Beth, Meg, Old Amy, Jo, Aunt March, Mr. Brooke)

3:00-4:00 PM Music Red Cast “More Than I Am” (John Brooke, Meg) “Astonishing” (Jo)

4:00-5:00 PM Blocking pages 53-59 Red cast (Mr. Laurence, Marmee, Beth, Meg, Old Amy, Jo, Aunt March, Mr. Brooke)

4:00-5:00 PM Music Blue Cast “More Than I Am” (John Brooke, Meg) “Astonishing” (Jo)

5:00 PM Blocking pages 60-66

END AT 6:00 PM





1:00 PM Blocking and Music pages 68-78 “Weekly Volcano”

3:00 PM Blocking pages 78-85 “Music for “Something are Meant To Be”

5:00 PM Blocking 85-87 with Estus Pages 87-91 with Dana

Please wear a black shirt as we will be taking headshots for the program.

END AT 6:00 PM


1:00 PM Review “Somethings are Meant to Be” & “How I am”

1:00 PM Marmee music with Dana

2:00 PM blocking pages 91-99 with Estus

2:00 PM “Most Amazing Thing” with Dana

3:30 PM blocking pages 100-115

END AT 6:00 PM











Congratulations on being cast in our fall 2021 production of Little Women.  This is a staff favorite at Spark and we are looking forward to bringing the magic of this musical to life once again on our stage.  We want you to take pride in and understand that this is our highest level production at Spark.  This does not mean that it is the “most talented” cast, as every cast at Spark is filled with talent and potential.  What it means is that it is the production that comes with the highest level of expectation.  At this level we expect you to be seasoned, prepared, and committed to making this the best show that it can be.  We also expect this cast to display the attributes in our student policies and standards of being: 

  • Humble

  • Creative

  • Innovative

  • Respectful

  • Kind

  • Motivated

  • Dependable

  • Committed

  • Inclusive

  • Team Players

At this level we have a zero tolerance policy for students who are unprepared or who repeatedly demonstrate that they are unwilling to follow the standards that we set in place.  It is our priority to have a solid program both on and off stage.  We expect students to know their lines BEFORE they come in for rehearsal each week.  We have a short time frame to put this show together.  If you have been cast, we  know that you are up for the challenge!  

We have double casted each cast, not only to offer our students more opportunities for growth, but also due to the fact that we are still wading through a pandemic.  We will be hyper-vigilant about students not coming to rehearsal if they are sick.  We have plenty of actors to cover roles in the event of illness.  Please be proactive about taking care of your health this semester.

We will work hard this semester AND we will have fun.  The greatest joy comes from working together as a team to create excellent art and achieve our collective potential.  We look forward to working with you all this semester.  Congratulations!  We will see you Saturday.  

Little Women Blue Cast Oct 25th - 30th 

Mrs. Kirk: Abbigail Judd

Professor Bhaer: Ian Helms

Jo: Shelby Bagg / Claire Carter

Young Amy: Maya Walters / Katie Honeycutt 

Meg: Rylee Valva / Dylan Loria

Beth: Kendall Miller / Makenna Stokes

Marmee: Caylin McClellan / Carolina Harris

Laurie: Henry Cordes / JD Bowen

Mr. Laurence: Stephen Guerra

Aunt March: Rowan Kent / Breezy Bowen

John Brooke: Aidan Warren / Rowan Oakley 

Adult Amy:  Emma Cook / Kara Badrous

Clarissa: off night Meg

Braxton: Off Night John Brooke

Rodrigo: Off Night Laurie

Knight: Stephen Guerra

Hag: off night Marmee

Troll: off night little Amy

Rodrigo 2: off night Beth

Monks/boarders at Mrs. Kirks/ Ensemble: Off Night old Amy, off night Aunt March, off night Jo, off night Laurie, Off Night Mrs. Kirk