Saturday Beauty and the Beast


Rehearsals: Saturday 9:30 a.m. - 12:30 p.m.

Tech Rehearsals:

Monday, April 25th, 5:00-8:00pm

Tuesday, April 26th, 5:00-8:00pm

Wednesday, April 27th, 5:00-8:00pm

Show Schedule:
Thursday, April 28th, 7:00pm (Blue cast)

Friday, April 29th, 7:00pm (Yellow Cast)

Saturday, April 30th, 5:00pm (Blue) AND 7:30pm (Yellow)

*In the event that we are unable to hold live performances due to evolving restrictions and protocol for Covid-19, we will be professionally recording each show. Copies of the recordings will be available to each student and streaming will take place in lieu of a live performance. Additional recording fees may apply.



Everything you need to know to survive 

Tech Week and Shows . . .


Our #1 survival tip for tech and show week- be flexible!! Tech/Dress rehearsal times might change. The Directors may call the kids to come earlier, or have them stay later, depending on how the show is coming together.  We always try to stick to the schedule but if changes have to be made, it is in the best interest of the cast. 

Tech and Show Dates: All of this information is listed on your show page.  Please visit the Spark website, hover your mouse over the LOGIN tab, and scroll down until you see your child’s current show.

During Tech Week: Students will need to bring a sack lunch/dinner and water. Snacks will be provided (see Sign Up Genius link on your show page to volunteer to bring snacks ).  Please do not pack things that will spill or stain costumes.  No Cheetos, Doritos, sodas, juice, etc. 

Call times:  Call times for each show is generally 1-1.5 hours before the show opens, but the final call time will be determined as we progress. STAY TUNED! Make sure you are on the show Remind page.  Changes will be sent in a message through Remind. Casts will generally stay between shows that are close together.  Students will eat a quick snack or meal between shows if time allows .  If you do not know what Remind is, please see the front desk ASAP.  Occasionally, we send emails out, PLEASE read them.

Volunteer Sign Ups:

In order for our show to be a success, we need parent volunteers! There are many positions/needs so please look out for the Sign Up Genius, which will be sent out today or tomorrow.  The link will be sent through Remind and put on the show page when available. 


Show/Candy Grams:

Friends and family can purchase a “show gram” to send a message and/or candy to be delivered to their favorite cast member. The kids love getting these little messages!  The funds donated to showgrams will be  put toward our tuition scholarship program. WE WILL ONLY BE ACCEPTING CASH AND VENMO.

In order to make this fundraiser a success, we are asking if all  parents will donate 4 boxes of  “movie theater” style boxes of candy or full size candy bars. Please no fun size. 

Send candy with your child to turn in to the front desk during rehearsal or tech days.

What to Wear:

All students will wear “basics” under their costumes. Basics are used to complete costumes and to help students to modestly change backstage.  Since they are worn under clothing, basics are typically fitted.  We ask that all of our students wear clothing over their basics to come to and from rehearsal.  We do not want students walking around the lobby in only their basics.  “Basics” can vary depending on each character and costume but are typically things that you already have or can easily purchase at nominal cost. 

Students will wear basics for all tech rehearsals and show dates:

Beauty and the Beast basics for ALL:

White or nude tank top 

Biker shorts or dance shorts (to wear when changing)

Boys athletic pants (tight) cannot be baggy. They will wear under pants.

Wolves need black leggings (girls) athletic pants (boys) and a long sleeve black shirt.

All students need to wear black jazz shoes. Students should wear no-show socks if they want to wear socks, otherwise they should not wear socks with jazz shoes.  NO TENNIS SHOES FOR TECH AND SHOW WEEK.

They should be wearing Jazz shoes EVERY rehearsal throughout the semester.

Hair and Makeup:

We will update this information via Remind.

Please bring your child to dress rehearsals and shows with your hair and makeup done.  

Ticket Sales:

Tickets are on sale now! They sell quickly!  Tickets are DIGITAL and are sold primarily through our website. Once purchased, you will receive an email confirmation.  Show the confirmation at the door, and we will, at that time, give you your tickets. TICKETS WILL NOT BE MAILED

Encourage your friends and family to purchase tickets ahead of time! If the show is not sold out, we will also sell tickets at the door (or contact Spark) Shows do sell out regularly so don’t wait! 

Purchase tickets here: Beauty and the Beast Tickets

Our kids have worked so hard and do best when we pack the house, so please share the SPARK ticket sale posts on all your social media sites! 

Thank you for allowing your kiddos to participate in the show here at Spark.  We can’t wait for you to see all their hard work in action!  Please, if you have any questions, please contact us. Via Remind OR

Call or text 281-516-8382


February 26th:

Ms. Dana needs for you all to practice the dances as much as you can. Please follow this link to all the practice videos:

Practice Videos

If you have any questions, please let us know.

Saturday Beauty and the Beast Cast

We will have two casts for our Saturday Beauty and the Beast class. A Yellow Cast and a Blue Cast. On opposite nights, cast members will be part of the ensemble (villagers, servants, wolves etc.) This gives every student not only an opportunity for lines but more overall stage time. Some students will play multiple parts. Please remember to wear comfortable clothes, closed toe shoes (jazz shoes or tennis shoes) bring your script, water and a snack every week. Congrats and welcome to the cast!

-Dana Welch

Yellow Cast

Belle: Tessie Edwards

Maurice: Eli Helms

Beast: Andrew Halada

Gaston: Joshua Roundy

Lefou: Byron Baxter

Lumiere: Gavin Bridges

Cogsworth: Silvia Thomas

Mrs, Potts: Kiran Harper

Chip: Noel Nagy

Babette: Joanna Box

Madame Grande De La Bouche-Zoe NG

Monsieur D’Arque- Isaac Helms

Beggar/ TBA Enchantress- TBA


1. Kloe NG

2. Rebecca Bullock

3. Sydney Rostant

4. Karina Molina

Silly Girls…

1. Niara Martindale

2. Sophia Mohr

3. Hadley Kerley

Blue Cast

Belle: Isabella Zertuche

Maurice: Issac Helms

Beast: Rex Albrecht

Gaston: Leander Baxter

Lefou: Luci Ruffing

Lumiere: Peyton Rawson

Cogsworth: Brooklyn Allen

Mrs. Potts: Sophia Robin

Chip: Ginny Johnson

Babette: Nylah Hubert

Madame Grande De La Bouche-Zoe McDonald

Monsieur D’Arque- Eli Helms

Beggar/ Enchantress-TBA


1. Izzy Ledbetter

2. Sophia Zagbour

3. Karina Molinar

4. Amelia Hurt

Silly Girls...

1. Leah Featherston

2. Zoe Gros

3. Phoebe Alegre

All students will be part of the Ensemble as well. Those parts will be given in class. Students will perform in all 4 performances.